Monday, May 31, 2010

Info Overload

There is a lot out there. I feel overwhelmed often when i sit down to do research at the number of stuff out there, sifting through it and finding the relevant stuff. And i have the skills needed to be able to do this. No wonder students have similar feelings and are often left confused by the information they see. I understand now why so many teachers find the research for their students and then get them to pull information from this - it acts as a means for controlling the content students are exposed to but also relieves the information overload feelings.
My concern with teachers doing this is whether they are prohibiting their students from developing the info literacy skills that they need. Yes there is a lot out there but if you can manage the learning of these skills effectively then hopefully you can reach a point where your students can do the research independently without the overload feelings.
Rather than printing one or two pages of information and having students highlight it, pool a larger number of research materials online into a class wiki or blog that resembles a reseach page. a tag cloud or using a my delicious account would work well also. This means students still work to develop their info literacy skills by working througha number of materials but not so many that they are overwhelmed. As they develop their skills the number of materials can be increased, even introducing irrelevant or unreliable resources will require students to extend their skills

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