Monday, May 31, 2010

Info Overload

There is a lot out there. I feel overwhelmed often when i sit down to do research at the number of stuff out there, sifting through it and finding the relevant stuff. And i have the skills needed to be able to do this. No wonder students have similar feelings and are often left confused by the information they see. I understand now why so many teachers find the research for their students and then get them to pull information from this - it acts as a means for controlling the content students are exposed to but also relieves the information overload feelings.
My concern with teachers doing this is whether they are prohibiting their students from developing the info literacy skills that they need. Yes there is a lot out there but if you can manage the learning of these skills effectively then hopefully you can reach a point where your students can do the research independently without the overload feelings.
Rather than printing one or two pages of information and having students highlight it, pool a larger number of research materials online into a class wiki or blog that resembles a reseach page. a tag cloud or using a my delicious account would work well also. This means students still work to develop their info literacy skills by working througha number of materials but not so many that they are overwhelmed. As they develop their skills the number of materials can be increased, even introducing irrelevant or unreliable resources will require students to extend their skills

Using chat rooms and social networking sites in education

If I am lucky enough to work in a school where a second language is taught then I would love to work in conjunction with the language teacher in developing a penpal relationship with students in another class speaking the language who may also be trying to learn english. What better way to engage students and have them practice their language skills than by liasing with someone in another country.
Building a relationhip with a teacher/class in another country like this would open up countless opportunities for teaching focuses. The two classes could run projects in conjunction with each other rather than merely writing letters and practicing literacy and language skills. In integrating technology, students could move to to the use of web-cams to present information and share classrooms and culture even further than the written word.
In assisting the learning of a second language students could almost work together to teach other and run activities and groups to help each other learn.

Using the resources and teachers skills in your school (like a language teacher) is one of the most valuable messages I have taken on board to assist and benefit my teaching. A closer relationship with a language teacher means that students are not only making use of the language they learn in 1-2 lessons a week but that some of this practice may continue to be used in the classroom.

Risks and Dangers with when dealing with students computer use

"If you open yourself to the benefits and opportunities of the internet, you expose yourself to its risks and dangers at the same time. "
This is the opening statement on Mark's e-language wiki on digital safety. A statement that is certainly not exclusive to only internet use. If we open ourselves to the opportunities of stepping outside our house each morning then we also expose ourselves to risks and dangers. With any aspect in life that we expose ourself to the risks exist as well.
its about how those risks are managed and dealt with that makes the difference. If you can control for some of the dangers, prevent some of the risks by teaching the skills to manage these issues then you signifcantly reduce the risk attached.

to cross a road we look both ways - skills which we drum into children from the moment they first put a foot out the door.
In managing the same concerns for internet use in education we apply the same basic prinicples. This is inclusive of information literacy skills but also with outlining the explicit dangers of using the internet - inappropriate content, time online, contact, privacy, cyberbullying, misinformation. These should start to be introduced as soon as students start engaging in these tools

Friendly Schools and Families

A research based program with the support of Donna Cross - a leader in cyberbullying research.
The tools and resources are great, current, practical. I often referred to the resources and kept up to date with Donna's research when counselling my students and parents.

Any opportunity you have to attend a PD with Donna would be extremely worthwhile.

(i should call for a job for advertising with her!)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

new search engines

i think my first use of a search engine was in school and it was alta vista??? or the one that had a really cute dog as its logo?!?! i soon changed to google and revolutionised my search capabilities as google swept me under its wing and opened my eyes to the wide world.
BUT NOW... there is a new wave of search engines that i had no idea existed. at most i would occasionally mix it up a bit by using googleimages or googlescholar on the odd occasion but wow there is so much more out there. so specific and so tailored to my needs. is it restricting by not over-exposing me? is it only because i have well developed search skills that i am able to field off the rubbish from the gold and know where to go at the right time? does sending students to these tailored sites to early prevent them from developing the multiliteracy skills they need to "crap detect" (Howard Rheingold, 2008). perhaps its one of those once you know the rules you can break them type ideas, where there is a time and a place for students to be directed to certain searches and other times where they need to work it out on their own.

iv stumbled across the recently developed website of the National Library of Australia. Brilliant! its relevance and importance to issues relating to education in Australia is perfect for getting me the 'relevant literature' that is sometimes so painful to obtain. here is a search that is so relevant to my needs that it almost rights my assignments for me. but will it tell me if Britney has had her next breakdown?!?!